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Kentucky Farm Time Capsule: Roots of Lane's End Trace To 'Pr
Kentucky Farm Time Capsule: Roots of Lane's End Trace To 'Pr
Kentucky Farm Time Capsule: Roots of Lane's End Trace To 'Princely' Estate Of Colorful, Tragic Soldier - Horse Racing News
Brig. Gen. Abe Buford was perhaps best known as master of Bosque Bonita, a magnificent Woodford County farm that in 1979 became part of the Farish family’s expansive Lane’s End.
Related Keywords
Belle Meade ,
Tennessee ,
United States ,
Woodford County ,
Kentucky ,
Boston ,
Massachusetts ,
Virginia ,
Danville ,
Henry County ,
Illinois ,
Medoc ,
Poitou Charentes ,
France ,
Leamington ,
Mexico ,
Stonewall Farm ,
Walnut Creek ,
Ohio ,
West Point ,
Phoenix ,
Arizona ,
Kansas ,
Nashville ,
Barton County ,
Spain ,
Chicago ,
Spanish ,
French ,
Mexican ,
Kentuckians ,
American ,
Nellie Gray ,
Bosque Bonita ,
Roberta Alexander ,
Carrie Nation ,
William Giles Harding ,
Johnh Morris ,
Nathan Boone ,
Daniel Boone ,
John Harper ,
Elijah Warfield ,
Nathan Bedford Forrest ,
Zachary Taylor ,
Mannie Gray ,
Tom Buford ,
William Buford ,
Abraham Buford ,
Roberte Lee ,
George Custer ,
Billey Buford ,
Abe Buford ,
Daniel Swigert ,
Ned Blackburn ,
Willa Viley ,
Frances Kirtley ,
Henry Lighthorse Harry Lee ,
Sidi Hamet ,
Simeon Buford ,
Jack Ashby ,
John Buford ,
Kentucky Association ,
Lexington Phoenix Hotel ,
Kingfisher ,
Centre College In Danville ,
Us Army ,
Confederate Army ,
Morris ,
Us Military Academy At West Point ,
Nashville Banner ,
Civil War ,
Mexican War ,
Central Kentucky ,
Lexington Fair ,
Belmont Stakes ,
Versailles Midway Road ,
Culpepper County ,
Revolutionary War ,
Major Henry ,
Both Simeon ,
Tree Hill Farm ,
American Eclipse ,
Woodburn Stud ,
Tree Hill ,
Woodburn House ,
Centre College ,
Indian Territory ,
Arkansas River ,
President Zachary Taylor ,
Buena Vista ,
Santa Ana ,
Nantura Stock Farm ,
Stockwood Farm ,
Richard Ten Broeck ,
Ten Broeck ,
Metairie Racecourse ,
Kentucky Derby ,
French Oaks ,
Clark Stakes ,
Churchill Downs ,
Tennessee Militia ,
Belle Meade Stud ,
Little Big Horn ,
Custer Oak ,
Phoenix Hotel ,