Keeping up with Kafka via The Trial, tribulations and trivia

Keeping up with Kafka via The Trial, tribulations and trivia

Did Franz Kafka’s stories stem from a difficult childhood, a rage-filled time? A century after his death, they continue to warn against unchecked authoritarianism and of how we still struggle with inclusivity.

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Prague , Praha , Hlavníesto , Czech Republic , Switzerland , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Hindustan , India General , India , New York , United States , Israel , Ravensbruck , Brandenburg , Germany , Paris , France General , France , Amerika , Jihoceský , Austria , Berlin , Austrian , Swiss , Czech , German , Albert Camus , Orson Welles , Samuel Beckett , Max Brod , Gerhard Kowalewski , Berta Fanta , Miquel Barcel , Hermann Kafka , Ernst Pollak , Julie Wohryzek , Milena Jesenskaa Gentile , Walter Benjamin , Joshua Cohen , Theodor Adorno , Gregor Samsa , Dora Diamant , Felix Weltsch , Eugene Ionesco , Albert Einstein , Oskar Baum , Vladimir Nabokov , Julie Lowy , Edmond Richard , Philipp Frank , Felice Bauer , Jizchak Lowy , Franz Kafka , Sigmund Freud , Anthony Perkins , Philip Roth At University Of Pennsylvania , Kafka At Cornell University , Bodleian Library At Oxford , Hitler Nazi Party , Google , Schocken Library , Old Town Square , Getty Images , Adobe Stock , Paris Review , Shorter Writings , Adolf Hitler , Old Town , His Father , Man Who Disappeared , Nazi Party , Bodleian Library , Milena Jesenska , Schocken Publishers , World War , Prague Circle , Czech Catholic , Penal Colony , Country Doctor , Hunger Artist , Cornell University , Philip Roth , Roman Polanski , Htwknd , Kafkaesque , The Paris Review , The ,

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