03 August 2021 Share Kazatomprom's 2021 production guidance remains unchanged but with Delta-variant COVID-19 cases rising and some areas of Kazakhstan going back into severe government-mandated restrictions, the uranium company yesterday said it continues to rigorously monitor the COVID-19 situation to ensure its current protocols remain effective. (Image: Kazatomprom) Kazatomprom's vaccination level exceeds that of the country, the company said in its second quarter operations and trading update. Across the entire company, some 70% of its employees had received a first vaccine dose as of 30 July, with over half being fully vaccinated with two doses (28% of the Kazakh population had received their first vaccination at that date). "When a case of COVID-19 is detected, the company and its subsidiaries implement preventive measures to contain the spread, with the health of the individual being constantly monitored and assistance provided as necessary," it said.