Kauana Sheep Dog Trial Club Centennial 27 Apr, 2021 02:15 AM 2 minutes to read Dust, Agie, Prince and Boy. Photo / Shawn McAvinue Otago Daily Times Triallists and their dogs descended upon the Kauana Sheep Dog Trial Club's centennial in Otapiri Gorge in central Southland earlier this month. The Otago Daily Times' Shawn McAvinue was there and asked some triallists about their dogs. Connor Bennie, of Lora Gorge, and his heading dog Dust Connor Bennie and Dust. Photo / Shawn McAvinue "'I got him as a pup off my previous boss and I've tried to break him in but he does what he wants - he's pig-headed. He doesn't do much listening but I think that's due to operator error."