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Karen Seapker's 'Green's Your Color' solo exhibit at Zeitgei
Karen Seapker's 'Green's Your Color' solo exhibit at Zeitgei
Karen Seapker's 'Green's Your Color' solo exhibit at Zeitgeist Gallery
The garden shows the way to a future past current struggles in Karen Seapker's exhibit "Green's Your Color" at Zeitgeist Gallery
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Nashville ,
Tennessee ,
United States ,
United Kingdom ,
Tennessean ,
British ,
American ,
Prudy Dillon ,
Melinda Baker ,
Bruce Munro ,
Muthr Nachr ,
Karen Seapker ,
Frist Art Museum Storied Strings ,
Zeitgeist Gallery ,
Gwendolyn Brook ,
Young Who Want ,
Are Muthr ,
World The ,
Frist Art Museum ,
Storied Strings ,
Red Arrow ,
Through June ,