Juba power company in forex standoff with gov't, threatens to switch off power Ezra Construction and Development Group (ECDG), which generates and supplies Juba city with electricity, yesterday said in a statement that it will cease operating its power plant in the next few days because the government of South Sudan has failed to make overdue payments in United States Dollars as agreed. “Ezra Construction and Development Group (ECDG), hereby gives notice that the Juba power plant will cease to operate in the next few days. On 31 March 2021, the company had notified Hon. Peter Marcello Nasir Jelenge, Minister of Energy and Dams, that it would be forced to take this drastic action unless the government of the Republic of South Sudan urgently made the US Dollar payment as set out in the PPA agreement signed on 16 August 2017,” the ECDG statement read.