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Joyous festivities, prayers for peace in Gaza and why this y
Joyous festivities, prayers for peace in Gaza and why this y
Joyous festivities, prayers for peace in Gaza and why this year's Muslim celebration Eid al-Fitr is more special than others
Muslims around the world celebrated Eid al-Fitr yesterday with members of the community across Ireland joining in the festivities.
Related Keywords
Gaza ,
Israel General ,
Israel ,
Ireland ,
Croke Park ,
Dublin City ,
Pakistan ,
Saudi Arabia ,
Istiqlal ,
Sulawesi Utara ,
Indonesia ,
Amudik ,
North West Frontier ,
Dublin ,
Jakarta ,
Jakarta Raya ,
Lampung ,
Kalimantan Tengah ,
Indonesian ,
Irish ,
Umar Al Qadri ,
Eid Mubarak ,
Ridho Alfian ,
Jimly Asshiddiqie ,
Irish Muslim Council ,
Islamic Cultural Centre Of Ireland ,
Indonesian Mosque Council ,
Islamic Cultural Centre ,
Shaykh Dr Umar Al Qadri ,
Irish Muslims ,
Irish Muslim ,
Istiqlal Grand Mosque ,
Indonesian Mosque ,