Johnson Smith accuses PNP senator of sending harassing email

Johnson Smith accuses PNP senator of sending harassing emails

The senator says she has reported the matter to the police.
Johnson Smith made the revelation on Friday during what was sometimes a contentious sitting of the Upper House as female senators from both sides of the aisle went at each other in relation to the perceived mishandling of the George Wright matter by the government.
Johnson Smith did not name the PNP senator; neither did she state when the harassment took place or whether the harasser was still a member of the Senate. However, she said she reported the matter to the police at the time.
Speaking in a halting voice, and appearing burdened by the fact that she decided to publicly mention the incident for the first time, Johnson Smith, looking across at Opposition senators said: “I think about the fact that there was a member, a colleague of yours, on that side who had started to send me harassing emails and who I had to report to the police”.

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Jamaica , George Wright , Johnson Smith , Lynford Simpson , Kamina Johnson Smith , Marisa Dalrymple Philibert , Donna Scott Mottley , Scott Mottley , People National Party , Jamaica Labour Party , Member Of Parliament , Spokesperson On Gender Affairs , Government Business , Opposition Senator , National Party , Upper House , Gender Affairs , Senator Donna Scott Mottley , Central Westmoreland , ஜமைக்கா , ஜார்ஜ் ரைட் , ஜான்சன் ஸ்மித் , காமினா ஜான்சன் ஸ்மித் , மரிசா டால்ரிம்பிள் பிலிபர்ட் , மக்கள் தேசிய கட்சி , ஜமைக்கா தொழிலாளர் கட்சி , உறுப்பினர் ஆஃப் பாராளுமன்றம் , அரசு வணிக , எதிர்ப்பு செனட்டர் , தேசிய கட்சி , மேல் வீடு , ஜெஂடர் வாழ்க்கைத்தொழில்கள் , மைய வெஸ்ட்மோர்லேண்ட் ,

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