JK Congress vouches for Rahul Gandhi as the next AICC Presi

JK Congress vouches for Rahul Gandhi as the next AICC President - Scoop News Jammu Kashmir

Srinagar, September 20 (Scoop News)-J&K Pradesh Congress Committee Delegates Tuesday unanimously urged Shri Rahul Gandhi to lead the Party as next President.
The meeting of newly elected PCC delegates in Srinagar unanimously passed a resolution urging Rahul Gandhi to lead the party as next president. The resolution was moved by JKPCC President Vikar Rasool Wani held under the chairmanship of PRO Ranjit Ranjan MP in the presence of AICC Incharge J&K affairs Smt Rajni Patil MP.
The resolution was seconded by working President Raman Bhalla and it was passed unanimously by raising of hands.
Delegates of Kashmir province attended today's meeting.
Earlier, AICC PRO Ranjit Ranjan moved a resolution authorizing Congress President to nominate/elect new PCC President and AICC members from Jammu and Kashmir. The resolution was seconded by Working President Raman Bhalla passed unanimously by Members
Smt Rajni Patil expressed confidence over the presence of PCC Members in the meeting, urging them to gear-up for the organization activities in every nook and corner.
She said Congress Party won’t be cowed down by the challenges, it has witnessed many ups and down in the past despite that the Party remained steadfast to serve people to the best of its ability.
Smt Ranjit Ranjan in her address advised the Partymen to strengthen the Congress party taking as that it is the Congress Party alone which is fully capable to defeat the divisive forces and anti- people policies of BJP Govt..
Vikar Rasool wani expressed confidence that party will emerge stronger despite defections by some opportunists in the party, who enjoyed all powers. He asked the young and loyal party leaders and workers to come forward to lead party.
Wani told the PCC delegation to reach out to every single person in their blocks with the Party policies and programs ensuring that they come forward to support Congress Party in its endeavor to take out the people out of morass created by the misrule and mismanagement by BJP Govt at Centre.
Speaking on the occasion, Bhalla said that BJP Government has been pushing the development of the country backward by several years with wasteful expenditure. He said people are fed up with price rise, unemployment and loss of businesses and livelihoods. The Congress party has always offered nation a far more credible ideology than the BJP. For Congress it not merely an instrument for fighting elections every five years, there is a great deal that it has done for the country, helping citizens in their interactions with the government, the police, and the unfeeling petty bureaucracy they have to confront daily. Bhalla said Congress stands for the struggle to safeguard genuine rights of the people and the lost identity of the erstwhile state after the abrogation of its special status."The party has time and again reiterated its demand for the restoration of full statehood of Jammu and Kashmir along with constitutional guarantees and safeguards for the land and jobs to local residents. "The party also supports the demand of the people of Ladakh for protection of their rights under the sixth schedule of the Constitution," Bhalla said .

Bhalla said Congress has always prioritized the ethos of politics as social work for those who cannot help themselves. Rajiv Gandhi succeeded Indira Gandhi and took over the leadership of the Congress. Rajiv was a politician committed to the overall development of India. He took all the steps to take India forward on the path of rapid progress. He said Congress always safeguarded the rights and interests of weaker sections including political, economic, professional courses, jobs and developmental aspects. He said right from freedom till date their rights to reservations in services, jobs, political representations including in the PRIs was ensured by the Congress to give them their due share. He asked them to strengthen congress for their rights, interests and upliftment of future generations. Bhalla said that fire of inflation has victimized every person in the society. Buying a gas cylinder for the home is now out of reach. The skyrocketing prices of petrol, diesel, flour, edible oil, pulses, vegetables and daily essentials have made life difficult for most of the people. Unemployment and inflation have now become a curse for the citizens of the country.
Former Member Parliament and CWC member Tariq Hameed Karra said though delegates all over India are desirous of the fact that Shri Rahul Gandhi should takeover as Party President, but this is also a fact that Shri Gandhi has grown much above the President's post. He has emerged as a real leader in it's true manifestation. His Bharat jodo yatra from Kanyakumari to Kashmir is not for the purposes of benefiting Congress party, on the contrary it's being undertaken for cementing the fastly drifting apart of country on religious, economic, social, cultural, ethnic, unemployment and women's abuse.
Taking dig on LG's administration, Karra said that the whole country is being mislead by parroting blatant lies of peace and normalcy. On one hand LG's administration and BJP is blowing trumpet of normalization in J&K, but when it comes to elections the same trumpet blowers try to take refuge by saying that the elections shall be held at an appropriate time after normalization of the situation, thereby admitting that the normalization is yet to return. And everyone understands that their slogan mongering is just a facade. Karra also highlighted the issues regarding fruit growers, agitating youth regarding their cancelled results of selected lists, agitating employees, arbitrary harassment and arrests of religious scholars, ever increasing sense of insecurities amongst religious minorities and ever increasing despair amongst unemployed youths.
Former JKPCC President Ghulam Ahmad Mir while speaking on the occasion told the enthusiastic newly elected PCC Members that their dedication and hard work would give a new direction to the Party and also hailed the membership drive which was completed sometime back.
Mir said Congress won’t compromise on its principles, it will continue to perform its legitimate duty of serving people and fighting against divisive forces.

Those who spoke on the occasion included Ghulam Nabi Monga, Mohd Anwar Bhat, Surinder Singh Channi, Irfan Naqib, Umer Jaan, Sahil Farooq, Fayaz Ahmad Mir, Imtiyaz Parray, Ali Mohd Mantoo,Shaheena Nadaf, Mohd Iqbal Mir, Mir Iqbal (Bla)& Nissar Ahmad Mundoo.

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Jammu , Jammu And Kashmir , India , Ladakh , Kanyakumari , Tamil Nadu , Kashmir , Bharat , Rajiv Gandhi , Ranjit Ranjan , Shri Rahul Gandhi , Rajni Patil , Sahil Farooq , Tariq Hameed Karra , Shaheena Nadaf , Vikar Rasool , Surinder Singh Channi , Fayaz Ahmad Mir , Imtiyaz Parray , Wali Mohd Mantoo , Mohd Iqbal Mir , Indira Gandhi , Ghulam Ahmad Mir , Ghulam Nabi Monga , Irfan Naqib , Raman Bhalla , Rahul Gandhi , Shri Gandhi , Member Parliament , Congress Party , Jk Pradesh Congress Committee Delegates , Govt At Centre , Jk Congress , Scoop News , Vikar Rasool Wani , Smt Rajni Patil , President Raman Bhalla , Congress President , Working President Raman Bhalla , Party President , Mohd Anwar Bhat , Umer Jaan , Samir Iqbal , Nissar Ahmad , Srinagar , Eptember 20 Scoop Newsj Ampk Pradesh Congress Committee Delegates Tuesday Unanimously Urged Shri Rahul Gandhi To Lead The Party As Next President Meeting Of Newly Elected Pcc In Srinagar Passeda Resolution Urging Was Moved By Jkpcc Vikar Rasool Wani Held Under Chairmanship Pro Ranjit Ranjan Mp Presence Aicc Inchargej Affairs Smt Rajni Patil Seconded Working Raman Bhalla And It Passed Raising Hands Kashmir Province Attended Today 39s Earlier , Icc Pro Ranjit Ranjan Moveda Resolution Authorizing Congress President To Nominate Elect New Pcc And Aicc Members From Jammu Kashmir The Was Seconded By Working Raman Bhalla Passed Unanimously Smt Rajni Patil Expressed Confidence Over Presence Of In Meeting , Rging Them To Gear Up For The Organization Activities In Every Nook And Corner She Said Congress Party Wont Be Cowed Down By Challenges , T Has Witnessed Many Ups And Down In The Past Despite That Party Remained Steadfast To Serve People Best Of Its Ability Smt Ranjit Ranjan Her Address Advised Partymen Strengthen Congress Taking As It Is Alone Which Fully Capable Defeat Divisive Forces Anti Policies Bjp Govt Vikar Rasool Wani Expressed Confidence Will Emerge Stronger Defections By Some Opportunists , Ho Enjoyed All Powers He Asked The Young And Loyal Party Leaders Workers To Come Forward Lead Wani Told Pcc Delegation Reach Out Every Single Person In Their Blocks With Policies Programs Ensuring That They Support Congress Its Endeavor Take People Of Morass Created By Misrule Mismanagement Bjp Govt At Centre Speaking On Occasion , Halla Said That Bjp Government Has Been Pushing The Development Of Country Backward By Several Years With Wasteful Expenditure He People Are Fed Up Price Rise , Nemployment And Loss Of Businesses Livelihoods The Congress Party Has Always Offered Nationa Far More Credible Ideology Than Bjp For It Not Merely An Instrument Fighting Elections Every Five Years , Here Isa Great Deal That It Has Done For The Country , Elping Citizens In Their Interactions With The Government , The Police , Nd The Unfeeling Petty Bureaucracy They Have To Confront Daily Bhalla Said Congress Stands For Struggle Safeguard Genuine Rights Of People And Lost Identity Erstwhile State After Abrogation Its Special Status Quot Party Has Time Again Reiterated Demand Restoration Full Statehood Jammu Kashmir Along With Constitutional Guarantees Safeguards Land Jobs Local Residents Also Supports Ladakh Protection Their Under Sixth Schedule Constitution , Uot Bhalla Said Congress Has Always Prioritized The Ethos Of Politics As Social Work For Those Who Cannot Help Themselves Rajiv Gandhi Succeeded Indira And Took Over Leadership Wasa Politician Committed To Overall Development India He All Steps Take Forward On Path Rapid Progress Safeguarded Rights Interests Weaker Sections Including Political , Economic , Professional Courses , Obs And Developmental Aspects He Said Right From Freedom Till Date Their Rights To Reservations In Services , Jobs , Olitical Representations Including In The Pris Was Ensured By Congress To Give Them Their Due Share He Asked Strengthen For Rights , Nterests And Upliftment Of Future Generations Bhalla Said That Fire Inflation Has Victimized Every Person In The Society Buyinga Gas Cylinder For Home Is Now Out Reach Skyrocketing Prices Petrol , Diesel , Flour , Edible Oil , Pulses , Egetables And Daily Essentials Have Made Life Difficult For Most Of The People Unemployment Inflation Now Becomea Curse Citizens Country Former Member Parliament Cwc Tariq Hameed Karra Said Though Delegates All Over India Are Desirous Fact That Shri Rahul Gandhi Should Takeover As Party President , Ut This Is Alsoa Fact That Shri Gandhi Has Grown Much Above The President 39s Post He Emerged Asa Real Leader In It True Manifestation His Bharat Jodo Yatra From Kanyakumari To Kashmir Not For Purposes Of Benefiting Congress Party , N The Contrary It 39s Being Undertaken For Cementing Fastly Drifting Apart Of Country On Religious , Ocial , Ultural , Ethnic , Nemployment And Women 39s Abuse Taking Dig On Lg Administration , Arra Said That The Whole Country Is Being Mislead By Parroting Blatant Lies Of Peace And Normalcy On One Hand Lg 39s Administration Bjp Blowing Trumpet Normalization Inj Amp K , Ut When It Comes To Elections The Same Trumpet Blowers Try Take Refuge By Saying That Shall Be Held At An Appropriate Time After Normalization Of Situation , Hereby Admitting That The Normalization Is Yet To Return And Everyone Understands Their Slogan Mongering Justa Facade Karra Also Highlighted Issues Regarding Fruit Growers , Gitating Youth Regarding Their Cancelled Results Of Selected Lists , Gitating Employees , Rbitrary Harassment And Arrests Of Religious Scholars , Ver Increasing Sense Of Insecurities Amongst Religious Minorities And Ever Despair Unemployed Youths Former Jkpcc President Ghulam Ahmad Mir While Speaking On The Occasion Told Enthusiastic Newly Elected Pcc Members That Their Dedication Hard Work Would Givea New Direction To Party Also Hailed Membership Drive Which Was Completed Sometime Back Said Congress Wont Compromise Its Principles , T Will Continue To Perform Its Legitimate Duty Of Serving People And Fighting Against Divisive Forces Those Who Spoke On The Occasion Included Ghulam Nabi Monga , Ir Iqbal Bla Amp Nissar Ahmad Mundoo ,

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