Jerry Garcia Family to release NFT collection of artworks created by the music legend "Junglescape" (1992) was created using an early MacPaint program. NEW YORK, NY .- The Jerry Garcia Family announced today an exclusive three-part NFT collection in partnership with YellowHeart, the NFT marketplace for music, ticketing and community tokens which accepts both crypto and credit card payments. The NFT collection is centered around a mesmerizing digital artwork series entitled An Odd Little Place: The Digital Works of Jerry Garcia (1992-1995) featuring 20 digital artwork pieces from the music legend and visual artist. YellowHeart is also partnering with the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame for an exclusive preview event on August 5th that will also be attended by Garcia Family members. The event will preview a new exhibition featuring Garcias digital artwork that opens to the public on August 6th. Preview the NFT collection here.