"Everything Beautiful in Its Time" explores the lessons Jenna Bush Hager's grandparents taught her. Author: Beth McEvoy (NEWS CENTER Maine) Published: 2:24 PM EST February 4, 2021 Updated: 2:49 PM EST February 4, 2021 KENNEBUNKPORT, Maine — In the year Jenna Bush Hager lost her three living grandparents, George H.W. and Barbara Bush and her maternal grandmother Jenna Welch, the grief she felt started to pour out of her in writing. An avid journaler, Jenna began writing letters to her deceased grandparents and journaling about the lessons they taught her. "It started as kind of a way for me to heal and then at some point I felt like their story should be shared because I know that grief is one of those universal things that a lot of people experience," says Jenna.