January grand jury returns 18 indictments Staff Report POMEROY — Meigs County Prosecuting Attorney James K. Stanley announces that the January 2021 session of the Meigs County Grand Jury returned 18 indictments against 17 individuals. Those indicted include the following: Kyle Akers, 26, of Irondale, Ohio, was indicted for Possession of Drugs (Amphetamine), a felony of the fifth degree. The Ohio State Highway Patrol investigated this matter. Waylon Bing, 36, of Gallipolis, Ohio, was indicted for Failure to Comply with an Order or Signal of a Police Officer, a felony of the third degree, Endangering Children, a misdemeanor of the first degree, and Operating a Vehicle Under the Influence, a misdemeanor of the first degree. The Ohio State Highway Patrol investigated this matter.