January 2021 - You can view 0 of the 112 pages in the full issue. For full access, purchase the issue for $10.00 or subscribe for access to the latest issues. You can also log in if you are already a subscriber. Articles in this series: Items relevant to "AM/FM/SW Single-Chip Digital Radio": Fullscreen HTML4 JANUARY 2021 ISSN 1030-2662 01 The VERY BEST DIY Projects! 9 771030 266001 $995* NZ $1290 INC GST INC GST What’s new: Altium 365 & Altium Designer 21 AM/FM/SW Bass Block Digital Digital Radio Radio Subwoofer MiniHEART Heartbeat Simulator Mini Digital AC Panel Meters New AVR Micros from Microchip how good are they? awesome