Asbury Park Press James Cameron is responsible for some of the most-seen films of all time, from 2009's "Avatar" — the reigning, highest-grossing movie ever — to the 1997 box office and awards season juggernaut "Titanic" and his long-running "Terminator" franchise. Cameron's latest project, the documentary series "Secrets of the Whales," is as ambitious as anything he's ever done. Premiering on Disney+ for Earth Day on Thursday, April 22, his sights are set on changing hearts and minds for the good of the planet. “Sadly, anything we do in the ocean, in natural history, we don’t know how long humanity may have access to that as a living experience," said Cameron, the executive producer of the series. "There’s a bit of a bittersweetness. Anything the ocean gives you as a gift that you manage to capture on camera may become part of an archive of ‘This is the way it used to be.' "