Source: Highlights Last year's Cannes event was canceled. New Delhi: At the 2021 Cannes Film Festival on Saturday, jury president Spike Lee jumped the gun by announcing Palme d'Or winner 'Titane' before any other award. While Caleb Landry Jones won the best actor award, Norwegian star Renate Reinsve took home the award for best actress. According to Variety, with 'Titane', French director Julia Ducournau delivered a radical horror story of a young female killer who has sex with cars after surviving a childhood crash. The film made Ducournau the second female filmmaker to win the festival's top honour in its 74-year history, and though this big win was goofed up by Lee, she didn't come to the stage to accept the award until its formal announcement at the end of the ceremony. Turns out, the run-of-show slip was the first of many surprises, which later included two ties.