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Italy's solar PV balancing act :
Italy's solar PV balancing act :
Italy's solar PV balancing act
With Italy’s solar sector in flux, Molly Lempriere takes a look at what the new market potential for Italy is and where does it go from here.
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Germany ,
Italy ,
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Italian ,
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Aldo Beolchini ,
Michele Governatori ,
Stefano Donnarumma ,
Mario Draghi ,
Molly Lempriere ,
Paolo Rocco Viscontini ,
Richard Braakenburg ,
Servizi Energetici ,
Italia Solare ,
Solarpower Europe ,
University Of Bari Aldo Moro ,
Territorial Sciences ,
National Integrated Energy ,
Department Of Agro ,
Levelten Energy Marketplace ,
Climate Plan ,
Conto Energia ,
Law Decree ,
Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi ,
Decreto Semplificazioni Bis ,
Simplification Decree ,
Italian Recovery Plan ,
State Environmental Impact Assessment ,
Electricity Futura ,
Legislative Decree ,
Energy Capital ,
Nextenergy Capital ,
Statkraft Italy ,
Bari Aldo Moro ,