Issuing Presidential Statement, Security Council Expresses Concern about Devastating Impact of COVID-19 on Africa, Urges Greater Cooperation (S/PRST/2021/10) Format Pandemic Feeding Many Drivers of Conflict, Instability Says Secretary-General Despite having suffered some of the COVID-19 pandemic’s worst socioeconomic impacts — including inflated debt burdens, job losses and worsening conflicts — Africa has to date received just 2 per cent of vaccine doses produced globally, the Security Council heard today, as it convened a high-level virtual debate on addressing the root causes of conflict in the continent’s post-COVID-19 recovery process. Through a presidential statement (document S/PRST/2021/10) — issued at the meeting’s outset by Wang Yi, State Councillor and Minister for Foreign Affairs of China, which holds the 15-member Council’s rotating Presidency in May — delegates expressed their concern over those developments. They reiterated the need to enable equitable access to quality, safe, efficacious and affordable COVID-19 diagnostics, therapeutics, medicines and vaccines to all, including the most vulnerable.