Isro after Branson, Bezos: Space technology will get increasingly privatised. India needs its own entrepreneur rocketeers July 11, 2021, 8:57 PM IST The writer is Associate Fellow, The Takshashila Institution. His research focuses on matters relating to outer space and geopolitics As British billionaire Richard Branson and his fellow travellers return from their 90-minute suborbital flight onboard the Virgin Galactic VSS, he can take satisfaction in beating his rival, Jeff Bezos by a few days. However, Bezos is unlikely to be very bothered as he launches into an even higher altitude on July 20 with three other passengers, including his brother. This billionaire space race makes for an entertaining spectacle but it is simply one manifestation of a broader phenomenon: the increasing privatisation of space activity. The rise of commercial space enterprise comes at a time when humans are more dependent on space than they have ever been before. As citizens, we’re directly dependent on constellations of satellites orbiting over us, whether we’re hailing cabs, watching sports on our televisions, or checking the weather forecast.