Results for "" Israeli remote medical solutions stepped up to the challenge that was 2020 The chaos of 2020 will definitely be remembered in the tech industry as the year of acceleration, and possibly none felt the impact more than the telemedicine sector. So let's recap some of the year's great successes... Guest Contributor / 8 Jan 2021 • 4 min read Remember when changing the television channel meant going over to the set and manually pressing a button? Not likely. Remote television controllers were introduced all the way back in 1950 by Zenith Radio Corporation—they called it “Lazy Bones,” and from there, the infamous couch potato was born. Since then, remote solutions to everyday tasks have increasingly become the norm. This evolution can be explained within a wider cultural context, where demand for more accommodating, efficient, and convenient means of performing tasks grew alongside a world that finds itself with less time to spare, less energy to expend, and new methods to explore.