BERLIN (JTA) — Isabel Frey stands outside the Austrian chancellor’s residence atop a white van with her guitar surrounded by speakers and protesters. It’s the day after the Ibiza Affair was made public in May 2019. The scandal centered on a video showing Austrian Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache and Johann Gudenus, both members of the far-right nationalist Freedom Party, or FPO, sealing a corrupt deal to earn election support from a Russian oligarch. The affair rocked Austria and triggered nationwide elections. Frey starts to play “Daloy Politsey,” or “Down with the Police.” Historically it’s a protest song written by Yiddish-speaking demonstrators calling for an end to czar Nicholas and the ruling class of late 19th, early 20th-century Russia. But Frey created a German verse and chorus for the occasion, and it quickly became the anthem of the protest.