Breadcrumbs IS THIS THE FINAL EASTER? ASK YOUR PASTOR WHAT HE'S DOING TO COMBAT SATANIC EVIL IN AMERICA? Submitted by Dave Hodges on Sunday, April 4, 2021 - 17:50. Did you leave your church today with gratitude for the gift of salvation from the Lord Jesus Christ? However, was there a part of you that felt empty because you know that if Jesus were to walk among us he did 2000 years ago, he would be walking through our unholy institutions in America and doing what he did when he chased the money-changers from the Temple? Isn't your Pastor supposed to embody the courage of Christ in the face of evil? If you are left feeling incomplete about your experience at church this morning, it is because your church is capitulating to evil. If your church will not stand up to evil, who will? Biden? Harris? Pelosi? it is and has always have been the followers of Christ!