What They Say: JIMMY PALMIOTTI, AMANDA CONNER and MORITAT get their sadistic on as the huntress becomes the hunted! Sonja’s on the trail of the Crown of Erkhara and the scoundrel who pilfered it, but her quest is complicated by a bounty on her head and a wave of assassins eager to collect! Heavy is the head that wears the bounty, as the She-Devil with a Sword is about to find out! Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers): With a lot of years of reading works by Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner, I know to not be surprised that I’ll enjoy something that they put out. I figured Red Sonja would be an easy one to write in the general sense but I’m thoroughly enjoying the detail and worldbuilding that’s going along with it. And, almost more importantly in my mind, is laying the story out in a way that allows for Moritat to shine even more than usual. His talent is not wasted here as we get some really great setup moments at the start and an absolutely gorgeous battle sequence. But it’s the bath sequence that almost wins me over as the best segment with how it unfolds, particularly with how Sonja’s expressions change. The end result is a really richly detailed book that has a ton going for it in making these places and characters engaging and alive in so many ways.