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Internet blogger "SkepDoc" Dr. Harriet Hall slammed anti-vax
Internet blogger "SkepDoc" Dr. Harriet Hall slammed anti-vax
Internet blogger "SkepDoc" Dr. Harriet Hall slammed anti-vaxxers for their "conspiracy" theories about deadly Covid clot shots, now she's DEAD after getting TRIPLE-JABBED
"Skep Doc" Harriet Hall wasn't just "skeptical" of vaccine skeptics, she was critical and insulting about their very existence, referring to them all as stupid idiots who [...]
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Wuhan ,
Hubei ,
China ,
Michigan ,
United States ,
Harriet Hall ,
Skepdoc Harriet ,
David Kevorkian Gorsky ,
Pfizer ,
Natural News ,
Air Force ,
Fauci Flu ,
Vaccine Holocaust ,
Bad Science ,
Big Pharma ,
Biological Agents And Warfare ,
Coronavirus ,
Flu Shots ,
Harmful Medicine ,
Health ,
Infectious Diseases ,
Medicine ,
Scientific Dictatorship ,
Social Media ,
Vaccines ,
Anti Vax ,
Badhealth ,
Badmedicine ,
Clot Shots ,
Covid Jabs ,
Crybullies ,
Deadly Vaccines ,
Pharma Shill ,
Pro Vax ,
Propaganda ,
Psycho Blogger ,
Skep Doc ,
Skepdoc ,
Vaccine Damage ,
Vaccine Death ,