a- The recent, rational pushback against manufactured outrage (i.e., reflexive nattering about "racism") at Smith College—covered at VDARE.com by Steve Sailer—led Power Line blog's Steven Hayward to post (February 24) The Worst College President In America, honoring Smith's Kathleen McCartney. McCartney thus supplants Evergreen State College's George Bridges, whom Hayward had dubbed Bridges' well-documented fecklessness was tied in with the nationally publicized travails of biologist and evolutionary theorist Bret Weinstein at Evergreen's campus in Olympia, Washington, covered here by [surpise!] Steve Sailer. Weinstein and his wife Heather Heying resigned their tenured professorships at Evergreen in 2017 in exchange for a $500,000 settlement from the college.