Barbados Today April 20, 2021 Grand Cayman – The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) has provided financial support in the form of a grant of US$2,209,000 (approximately EC$6.0 million, BDS$4.4 million) to the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines following the eruption of the La Soufrière Volcano. According to CCRIF CEO, Isaac Anthony: “This support to the Government has been made possible because CCRIF operates as a developmental insurance company, whereby our members have our commitment to support them in times of crises; seek out opportunities to enable them to enhance their resilience to current and future natural hazards; engage donors and collaborate on programmes designed to reduce vulnerability; negotiate the best prices for reinsurance, and advance disaster risk management and ecosystems-based solutions for the betterment of the peoples of the Caribbean and Central America in keeping with Agenda 2030 and the thrust to leave no one behind.”