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Innovative Drug Delivery Platform Utilizes Sound for Precisi
Innovative Drug Delivery Platform Utilizes Sound for Precisi
Innovative Drug Delivery Platform Utilizes Sound for Precision Targeting
This is because chemotherapy drugs are toxic. They're meant to kill cancer cells by poisoning them, but since cancer cells derive from healthy cells and are substantially similar to them, it is difficult to create a drug that kills them without also
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Israel ,
Chelseaer Edwards ,
Yuxing Yao ,
Maxwell Robb ,
Dina Malounda ,
Andrea Torres ,
Mark Legendre ,
Santa Barbara ,
Stellam Luo ,
Mikhail Shapiro ,
Cameronab Smith ,
Max Delbr ,
Tiba Hamza ,
Israel Institute Of Technology ,
Howard Hughes Medical Institute ,
National Institute ,
Lucile Packard Foundation ,
Mabel Beckman Foundation ,
Sciences Of The National Institutes Health ,
Resnick Sustainability Institute ,
Proceedings Of The National Academy Sciences ,
Chemical Engineering ,
Medical Engineering ,
National Academy ,
Molly Mcfadden ,
Elin Kang ,
Avinoam Bar Zion ,
Technion Israel Institute ,
Zhiyang Jin ,
Bill Ling ,
General Medical Sciences ,
National Institutes ,