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Inmate's body returned to family missing organs; third case
Inmate's body returned to family missing organs; third case
Inmate's body returned to family missing organs; third case revealed
Simone Moore traveled four hours home to Mobile from UAB Hospital carrying his brother's organs in a container wrapped in a plastic red biohazard bag. Moore say
Related Keywords
Alabama ,
United States ,
Limestone Correctional Facility ,
State Of Alabama ,
American ,
Simone Moore ,
Alabama Department Of Corrections ,
College Of American Pathologists ,
Alabama Department Of Forensic Sciences ,
Alabama Department ,
American Pathologists ,
American Board ,
Kelvin ,
Fentanyl ,
Brandon Dotson ,
Law Crime ,
Inmate ,
Uab Quot Pigu ,
University Of Alabama At Birmingham ,
Forensic Pathology ,
Corpses ,
Anatomical Pathology ,
Disposal Of Human Corpses ,
Autopsy ,
Missing ,