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India Largest Contributor To Last Billion as World Populatio
India Largest Contributor To Last Billion as World Populatio
India Largest Contributor To Last Billion as World Population Crosses 8B Mark
India was the largest contributor to the 8 billion (177 million) and will surpass China, which was the second largest contributor (73 million) as the world's most populous nation by 2023.
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Un Population Fund ,
United Nations ,
Affairs Liu Zhenmin ,
World Population Prospects ,
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Southern Asia ,
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8 Billion People ,
8 Billion Population ,
8 Billion World Population ,
India Most Populous Nation ,
India Population ,
India Population Growth ,
Most Populous Nation ,
Unfpa ,
United Nations Population Fund ,
World Population ,
World Population 8 Billion ,
World Population Prospects 2022 ,