Officers with the Archer 1200 Barriers MERIDIAN PRIDES ITSELF ON RAPID RESPONSE TO RIOTS Meridian barriers were our solution, They were quickly installed, very maneuverable, and provided the level of safety we were seeking.” — Captain Matt Nicholass, La Mesa Police Department LOS ANGELES, CA, US, April 19, 2021 / -- Civil unrest in many U.S. cities this past year leading to riots and costly damage to property has increasingly put a heavy burden on police and emergency services. And there so often, alongside authorities, has been Meridian Rapid Defense Group. Whether it meant sealing off sections of cities during demonstrations or ensuring that crowds were separated from potentially life-threatening run-ins with vehicles, Meridian’s mobile Archer 1200 barriers have created the “safe zones” to protect them. The Archer was the answer to the often asked question, “What is the best barrier for protecting crowds?”