26 January 2021 13:45 Business Parisa Hashempour On 18 January 18, Joseph Vincent Vittoria passed away at the age of 85 following a long battle against leukemia. Despite precautions, he caught COVID-19 and passed away not long after, surrounded by loved ones at home. Vittoria was a Knight of Malta, a Freeman of the City of London and esteemed owner of the Mirabella shipyard. He grew up in Sea Cliff in the US, “where he developed a passion for sailing and was always available to the local yacht club's members to crew their boats,” said his son Joseph Vittoria in his obituary. He went on to explain: “During their [the family’s] time in England, Joe renewed his relationship with sailing by buying a series of Camper Nicholson sailing yachts. The family enjoyed memorable sailing trips together in the Italian Mediterranean.” After years working in automation and air travel, Vittoria turned his eyes to the seas, ultimately developing the Mirabella line of sailing yachts.