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In Ethiopia war, new abuse charges turn the spotlight on Tig
In Ethiopia war, new abuse charges turn the spotlight on Tig
In Ethiopia war, new abuse charges turn the spotlight on Tigrayan former rulers
Townspeople said more than 70 women were raped by Tigrayan fighters.
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Tigray ,
Ethiopia ,
Amhara ,
Samara ,
Tembien ,
Lalibela ,
Agula ,
Nebelet ,
Sudan ,
Shewa ,
Oromiya ,
Eritrea ,
Oslo ,
Norway ,
Blue Nile ,
An Nil Al Azraq ,
Russia ,
Nifas Mewcha ,
London ,
City Of ,
United Kingdom ,
Soviet ,
Eritrean ,
Ethiopian ,
Kjetil Tronvoll ,
Addis Ababa ,
Betsiha Derresse ,
Kinfe Dagnew ,
Antony Blinken ,
Getachew Assefa ,
William Davison ,
Shewaseb Kagnew ,
Mihertu Kumlachew ,
Haftom Kesete ,
Meles Zenawi ,
Pekka Haavisto ,
Getachew Reda ,
Abay Tsegaye ,
Kindeye Zikyalew ,
Mai Kadra ,
Tsadkan Gebretensae ,
Aregawi Berhe ,
Zelalem Fikadu ,
Debretsion Gebremichael ,
Gedion Timothewos ,
Belete Asrate ,
Agere Yaynalem ,
Mulat Aynekulu Mekonnen ,
United Nations ,
Un Ethiopian Human Rights Commission ,
Reuters ,
Amnesty International ,
Ministry Of Justice ,
European Union ,
Ethiopian Human Rights Commission ,
Corruption Department ,
Us State Department ,
Tigray Defence ,
Ethiopian Army ,
Ethiopian Orthodox Church ,
International Crisis Group ,
Tigray People ,
Liberation Front ,
London Based Amnesty ,
Abiy Ahmed ,
State Antony Blinken ,
Tigray Defence Force ,
Mele Ethiopia ,
Lieutenant General Tsadkan ,
Major General Kinfe Dagnew ,
Reuters Kinfe ,
Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam ,
General Gedion ,
Brussels Based International Crisis Group ,
North Shewa ,
Nile Valley ,
World Heritage ,
New York Based Human Rights Watch ,
While Tigrayans ,
War ,
Tplf ,
Rape ,
Crime ,