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Improving lung cancer surgery through novel computed tomogra
Improving lung cancer surgery through novel computed tomogra
Improving lung cancer surgery through novel computed tomography
This article from Thermo Scientific outlines how Amira software was used as a tool to perform computed tomography to improve lung cancer surgery.
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Chao Liu ,
Shaanxi ,
China ,
Jining ,
Shandong ,
United States ,
Rizhao ,
American ,
Huike Gao ,
Emily Magee ,
Journal Of International Medical Research ,
American Cancer Society ,
Thermo Fisher ,
Thermo Fisher Amira Software ,
Jining Medical University ,
Amira Software ,
Sponsored Content ,
Thermo Fisher Scientific ,
Thermo Scientific ,
International Medical ,
Cancer Society ,
Accessed January ,
Thorac Cardiovasc ,
Ann Thorac ,
Int Med ,
Content Policy ,
News Medical Net ,
Computed Tomography ,
Lung Cancer ,