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Imaging of Water-Solid Interfaces with Atomic Force Microsco
Imaging of Water-Solid Interfaces with Atomic Force Microsco
Imaging of Water-Solid Interfaces with Atomic Force Microscopes
Understanding the interactions at the water-solid interfaces at the molecular level has been challenging. However, advancements in atomic force microscopy (AFM) have enabled atomic resolution imaging of water-solid interfaces.
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Germany ,
German ,
Runze Ma ,
Takeshi Fukuma ,
Jinbo Peng ,
Ilamaran Sivarajah ,
Ying Jiang ,
Jing Guo ,
Franzj Giessibl ,
Franz Josef Giessibl ,
Ilamaran Sivarajahdec ,
Olegri Shutterstock ,
Technology Of Advanced Materials ,
Understanding Water Solid ,
Dimensional Imaging ,
Scientific Instruments ,
Science Reports ,
Advanced Materials ,
Water Solid Interface ,
Atomic Force Microscopy ,