By Kevin Hart From Rachel Pinto, Director of Marketing for the ISO: Tour Fabulous Kitchens throughout Bloomington-Normal in Fourth Annual Kitchen Tours Event! The Illinois Symphony Orchestra Guild of Bloomington-Normal hosts its 4th “Lavender and Lemons: A Tour of Kitchens and More” event on Saturday, June 12th, 2021. Tour proceeds will benefit the Illinois Symphony Orchestra’s education programs for children. The beautiful kitchens on this year’s tour feature a wide variety of styles, sizes, and locations. Kitchens were chosen for their unique features and the quality of their design and artistry. Tickets are $20 per person and can be purchased from a Guild Board Member or at AB Hatchery, Casey’s Garden Shop, The Garlic Press, Growing Grounds, Hy-Vee, The Olive Bin, and Wendell Niepagen Greenhouses.