The Mehlville School District is asking voters to approve a bond issue April 6 to fund facilities upgrades around the district, but if voters decline to pass the bond issue, the tax levy will stay the same and the district will use the money for operations. The district is slated this year to pay off its remaining certificates of participation, or COPs, issued from Proposition P, a 49-cent operational tax-rate increase for facilities that voters approved in 2000. Proposition S for “Safe Schools, Safe Kids,” a 12-cent, $35 million no-tax-rate-increase bond issue, will fund maintenance and safety upgrades including new secure vestibules at all school entrances, by asking voters to use 12 cents of the 45-cent levy from 2000’s Proposition P as a facility investment. The remaining 33 cents, which the district is not placing up for vote, will go toward operations after the district takes a 12-cent voluntary rollback from the 45 cents, according to Prop S ballot language.