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Identitas Mayat Pria di Sungai Lematang Terungkap, Widiansya
Identitas Mayat Pria di Sungai Lematang Terungkap, Widiansya
Identitas Mayat Pria di Sungai Lematang Terungkap, Widiansyah Lelaki 26 Tahun Warga Tanjung Tebat
Identitas Mayat yang ditemukan di tepian Sungai Lematang diketahui bernama Widiansyah (26) tahun warga Desa Pandan Aran Ilir, Kecamatan Tanjung Tebat.
Related Keywords
Lematang ,
Lampung ,
Indonesia ,
Ilir ,
Jawa Barat ,
Location Basea Goal Village Island Nut ,
Police Grave ,
Bank Lematang ,
Identity Corpse Men ,
River Lematang Revealed ,
Men Year Residents Cape Dam ,
Grave Identity Corpse ,
Village Cape Blackness ,
Sub District Island Nut ,
Districts Grave ,
Village Pandanus Ilir ,
Sub District Cape Dam ,
Location Base ,
Goal Village Island Nut ,
Police Station Island Nut ,
Police Station ,
Teams Identification The Police ,
Chief Of Police Grave ,
Superintendent Hand To Struggle Hartono ,
Police Chief Island Nut ,
Inspector Amrin ,
According To Him ,
Continued Amrin ,
T Shirts Caucasian ,
Hospital Grave ,
Region Police Station Island Nut ,
Mayat Pria Di Sungai Lematang ,
Dentitas Mayat Pria Di Sungai Lematang Terungkap ,
Ayat Pria Di Sungai Lematang Ternyata Widiyansyah ,
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Rahat ,
Umsel ,