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[PICS] Two cheetahs relocated from big cat sanctuary in Paar
[PICS] Two cheetahs relocated from big cat sanctuary in Paar
[PICS] Two cheetahs relocated from big cat sanctuary in Paarl ahead of release
Weekend Breakfast host Sara-Jayne King chats to Outdoor Report correspondent Jeff Ayliffe about the release of the two cheetahs.
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South Africa ,
Paarl ,
Western Cape ,
Jeff Ayliffe ,
Sara Jayne King ,
Waterval Jeff Ayliffe ,
Ashia Centre ,
Weekend Breakfast ,
Outdoor Report ,
Ashia Cheetah Sanctuary ,
Northern Cape ,
Waterval Private Game Reserve ,
Botlierskop Private Game Reserve ,
Garden Route ,
Cheetah Range Expansion Project ,
Endangered Wildlife ,
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