th, 2021] “The only other exception in the run up to the General Elections came by way of a request from the then Deputy Prime Minister the honourable Hugo Patt. Again the Deputy Prime Minister went directly to the Financial Secretary who came to me. I spoke to the DPM and said to him, but you know the policy. I thought that also as a special favour, I would agree and I so indicated to Joe Waight. What happened thereafter though was that the usual requirement from me that there would be a customs valuation so we can document that we were not selling for any undervalue did not happen. I don’t know whether it was because that didn’t happen or whether it was some other reason, whether it fell through but that one did not come to me for my formal approval. Now understand that I am not trying to any way act like some artful dodger, I had said and I repeat, orally I had agreed. If it had come with the customs valuation I would affix my initials behind the words I approve but it did not come so properly speaking I never approved that one.”