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Hughenden Show cattle section attracts record numbers | Que
Hughenden Show cattle section attracts record numbers | Que
Hughenden Show cattle section attracts record numbers | Queensland Country Life
Unprecedented prize money of more than $18,000 worth of cash and goods was on offer, generating huge excitement...
Related Keywords
Malanda ,
Queensland ,
Australia ,
Camberwarra ,
New South Wales ,
Townsville ,
Hughenden ,
Koon Kool ,
Delbessie ,
Ashover ,
Baralaba ,
Kylie Stewart Moore ,
Stacey Mcconachy ,
Ninian Stewart Moore ,
Amanda Mcnamara ,
Santa Getrudis ,
Tammy Smith ,
Barry Christensen ,
Shaneen Williams ,
Ben Hall ,
Luke Carrington ,
John Atkinson ,
Markeen Droughtmasters ,
Lachy Stuart ,
Jayne Carrington ,
Ashover Pastoral Company ,
Camberwarra Cattle Company ,
M Livestock Services Champion Commercial ,
Hughenden Royal Hotel Class ,
Judge John Atkinson ,
Rondel Droughtmasters ,
Zoe Thomas Photography ,
Hughenden Show ,
Cape Trib Farm ,
Helen Wallace Memorial Grand Champion Female ,
John Stewart Moore Memorial Grand Champion Bull ,
Hughenden Royal Hotel ,
Burlington Station ,
Rivergum Grazing Champion Herd Bull ,
Livestock Services Champion Commercial Female ,
Barenya Station ,
Kool Pastoral ,
Blue Dog ,
Champion Pen ,
Champion Prime Female ,
Stone Brahmans ,
Single Bullock ,
Cashmere Droughtmasters ,