Hubbard County distributes $1.8M in COVID-19 business relief, with more available Ninety-eight organizations received $1,852,147 through the Hubbard County COVID-19 Business Assistance Program. More state-funded assistance is available. Applications are due Feb. 15. 8:25 pm, Jan. 19, 2021 × Ninety-eight organizations received $1,852,147 through the Hubbard County COVID-19 Business Assistance Program. The Heartland Lakes Development Commission (HLDC) administered excess Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds from the county, two cities and 11 townships to help businesses adversely impacted by the pandemic. “Whatever they didn’t need, they passed on to help with this program,” HLDC Executive Director Mary Thompson said of local government contributions. This chart shows where organizations receiving county COVID-19 business assistance were located. (Chart by Heartland Lakes Development Commission)