KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 25 (Bernama): The Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High-Speed Rail (HSR) project, which could have benefited property projects along its route, may be revisited by the government later, said CBRE | WTW group managing director Foo Gee Jen. He opined that when the local economy becomes more stable, the government might decide to reconsider the project, however, at the moment, the priority is on combating COVID-19 and sustaining economic growth. "I believe there will be a negative impact due to the cancellation, but I believe we need to prioritise where we put our money, such as for growth and sustainability. "My take on the HSR (project) is (that it is) not being called off, but temporarily being put on the back burner. Something for us to revisit when the economy allows for it,” he said during the virtual media briefing on the Asia Pacific Real Estate Market Outlook 2021 report today.