Roy Halston with his 'Halstonettes' at the Met Gala in 1981 Credit: Getty Images You don’t have to know anything about style to get excited about Ewan McGregor’s turn as Roy Halston Frowick in the upcoming Netflix series about the legendary designer’s life. The show promises to be a thrilling watch, charting the glamour and drama of Studio 54-era New York City. The element I’m most looking forward to though, is of course the fashion. Hailed by Calvin Klein as “the greatest American fashion designer who ever lived,” Halston shot to fame as the designer of the pillbox hat worn by Jackie Kennedy at JFK’s inauguration in 1961. He went on to become the go-to label for stars including Liza Minelli, Elizabeth Taylor and Bianca Jagger, while his favourite models, among them Pat Cleveland and Anjelica Huston, were known as the Halstonettes.