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How Ridley Scott's 'Napoleon' Repeats One of Art History's B
How Ridley Scott's 'Napoleon' Repeats One of Art History's B
How Ridley Scott's 'Napoleon' Repeats One of Art History's Biggest Conspiracies
Ridley Scott's latest film shows Napoleon ordering his troops to fire on the Pyramids and Great Sphinx in Giza, but did it happen?
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France ,
Paris ,
France General ,
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Giza ,
Great Sphinx ,
Great Pyramid ,
Egyptian ,
Danish ,
Bassam El Shamaa ,
Ridley Scott Napoleon ,
Napoleon Bonaparte ,
Michael Broers ,
Ridley Scott ,
Frederic Louis Norden ,
Times Ridley Scott ,
Hokam Misr El Qadema ,
Ancient Egypt ,
Lsphinx ,
Pyramids ,
Eliza ,
Film ,
History ,
Conspiracies ,
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