Oregon reports 230 new COVID cases, 7 more deaths As of Tuesday, 2,388,255 people have had at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose and 2,147,617 people have completed a vaccine series. Credit: sdecoret - stock.adobe.com Microscopic close-up of the covid-19 disease. Blue and Red Coronavirus illness spreading in body cell. 2019-nCoV analysis on microscope level 3D rendering Author: KGW Staff Updated: 4:36 PM PDT June 29, 2021 PORTLAND, Ore. — The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) reported 230 new COVID-19 cases and seven more deaths on Tuesday. There have been 208,446 known COVID-19 cases in the state since the start of the pandemic. The state will reopen by Wednesday, June 30. That means all state COVID-19 health and safety restrictions -- including the statewide mask mandate, physical distancing requirements and capacity limits -- will be lifted.