Tony and Christine Kirby with son Arthur, aged three, who has additional needs. - Credit: KELLY GOYETTE PHOTOGRAPHY Working from home and having less life distractions have proved to be positive impacts of the coronavirus lockdown for one Suffolk family - who have used their time together to understand their son's condition and move closer to a diagnosis. The Kirby family, who live in Stowmarket, have welcomed the extra time at home and the ability to stop and think this year, saying it has helped them understand their son Arthur's additional needs more than ever before. Arthur, aged three, came as a surprise to Christine and Tony Kirby, many years after they had been trying for a child with no luck. He was born with a condition called neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT), where the platelet count is decreased and can lead to an increased risk of bleeding in the fetus and the newborn.