How Gaza occupies Indonesia’s identity wars Israel-Palestinian issues have long featured in Jakarta’s worldview but with a domestic edge, too. Demonstration in Jakarta in support of Palestinians, 21 May (Fazjri Abdillah/Riau Images/Barcroft Media via Getty Images) Published 25 May 2021 10:30 0 Comments
Indonesia’s public debate over the issue of Palestinian rights was reawakened by the latest violence, which claimed at least 243 lives in Gaza and 12 in Israel before an eventual ceasefire. Social media was especially animated by vehement arguments as most Indonesians – 86.7% of whom identify as Muslim – supported Palestinians. On 15 May, President Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, weighed into the renewed debate by tweeting Indonesia’s strong condemnation of Israel’s attacks. His foreign minister, Retno Marsudi, echoed the sentiment, declaring: “The Palestinian people deserve justice. And I emphasise that Indonesia will continue to support the Palestinian struggle.”