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Housing crisis: Hotel as shelter reflects growing migrant ne
Housing crisis: Hotel as shelter reflects growing migrant ne
Housing crisis: Hotel as shelter reflects growing migrant need
Massachusetts has had to rapidly expand its emergency assistance shelter program, given the simultaneous housing crisis and migrant influx of families from places like Haiti and Central and South America.
Related Keywords
Massachusetts ,
United States ,
Spain ,
Haiti ,
Dominican Republic ,
Boston ,
New York ,
Cape Cod ,
America ,
Americans ,
Spanish ,
Michaela Charles Blaise ,
Mikelo Charles Blaise ,
Dylan Soto ,
Fred Contreras ,
Matthewj Lee ,
Catholic Charitie ,
Katherin Franco ,
Lourdes Mica Charles Blaise ,
Catholic Charities Inn ,
Family Welcome Center ,
Office For Refugees ,
Catholic Charities ,
Boston Medical Center ,
Catholic Charities Of Boston ,
South America ,
Creole His ,
Charles Blaise ,
Beth Chambers ,
Joint Base Cape ,