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Hope Awards celebrates local figures and charity causes | Je
Hope Awards celebrates local figures and charity causes | Je
Hope Awards celebrates local figures and charity causes | Jefferson City News Tribune
Caitlin Beauplan considers Haiti a home, she said.
Related Keywords
Jefferson City ,
Missouri ,
United States ,
First Assembly Of God ,
Haiti ,
Rod Smith ,
Iva Presberry ,
Carrie Tergin ,
Donna Kay Nicklas ,
Alicia Edwards Wright ,
Tixieanna Dissmore ,
Caitlin Beauplan ,
Doug Wright ,
Richard Presberry ,
Caribbean Kids ,
Jefferson City Hope Awards ,
First Assembly ,
Executive Director Iva Presberry ,
Hope Awards ,
Building Community Bridges ,
Outstanding Nonprofit Award ,
Kay Nicklas ,
Aglow Lighthouse ,
Lifetime Achievement ,
Mayor Carrie Tergin ,
Exceptional Public Leadership Award ,
Dynamic Impact Award ,
Central Missouri ,