RSN927 HOLLIE DOYLE, SISTER IN THE SKY July 28, 2021 7:48 am By Matt Stewart, Racing Editor Two parts of the world, two stories that have turned the centuries-old traditions of horse racing on its head. We’ve got Rachael). Hollie Doyle‘s big days out are becoming less headline-worthy because they are now so regular, just as the story of Kah grew from the “wow” of a female rider matching it with the boys to the dominant grind of Kah smashing the numbers and in three day’s time, taking out the Melbourne jockeys’ premiership. Rachael Blackmore walks back out of the winners enclosure after lifting the 2021 Randox Grant National trophy during Grand National Day of the 2021 Randox Health Grand National Festival at Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool. Picture date: Saturday April 10, 2021. (Photo by Tim Goode/PA Images via Getty Images)