Submit Release Holiday, FL Author Publishes Religious Nonfiction Book May 01, 2021 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News Follow the Son, a new book by Sandra Beckman, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc. Author Sandie Beckman's spirit sensed the urgency and desperation to reach out in compassion to receptive hearts that wanted the intimacy and the power of the Lord. A fresh vision and revelation is needed to be delivered from the spiritual darkness that is growing at a fast pace. This means we need to break out of the status quo of Christianity and be energized by the Holy Spirit. It's time to make the End Time church a place of God's power! God wants to release his power but only after He establishes an intimate, bridal partnership with his church. Without this intimacy his church will not handle the fullness of his power. If we are distracted by other things, over time our hearts will burn out like a field burned out and it then becomes hard to grow anything,